Friday, July 31, 2009

In Solidarity with Tita Cory

You will be lovingly remembered by the Filipino community, President Corazon Aquino. You have not only helped us restore our once lost democratic rights but also continue to fight tyranny till the very end. Thank you for sharing yourself to the Filipino community. We will continue the good fight in solidarity with the basic sectors in our society.

A Grand Salute and a Warm Applause to the Woman who brought a different meaning to the color of democracy in our beloved country!

*Former President Corazon Cojuanco Aquino passed away at the age of 76 from cardio-respiratory arrest at exactly 3:18 a.m. today at the Makati Medical Center. She has been diagnosed with colon cancer early in 2008. For the first time in our history, the Filipino nation expressed an outpouring prayer support for the healing of Tita Cory. More than just a nation's President, Tita Cory is a family to the Filipino people. We will truly miss you Tita Cory...

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